Thursday, December 06, 2007

The Wire -- Season Four

I can't remember if I've written about The Wire here. If not, it's been a major oversight on my part. Seriously, if you've not seen this show, do so. Season Four was released on DVD today, and K. & I just made our way through the first disc. A three-hour movie would wipe me out, but three hours into this season and I'm really pissed I don't yet have disc two (hours four through six). I remember one Friday back in Cincinnati, K. & I watched six hours of Season Three in one go. That's pretty unprecedented for me when it comes to tv.

You're not liable to find more captivating characters on tv, and the degree of investment in them is a little unsettling. Three episodes in now, and my heart is already aching for at least two of this season's new characters. And Bodie... poor, stupid, but strangely noble Bodie. I fear he won't make it to Season Five. Such is the life of a street soldier.

Anyway, I repeat. Get this on your queue, buy it used. Get caught up on The Wire.